Welcome to whatever is on my mind!

Some people use the term "nonsense" but I prefer to use the phrase "uncommonly sensed" because it's more reflective of creative types.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Art Reflects the Understanding of Life

This video is going around Facebook right now. I can understand why the video is popular - it’s an incredible sculpture. Take a minute and watch the film if you haven’t already.

What I love about this is that art often reflects life, but this work of art goes one step further and reflects our understanding of life. This piece reminds me that sometimes things don’t look beautiful or meaningful because I’m not looking at them from the right perspective.

I’ve learned that there’s always more than one way to view anything - a problem, event, situation, relationship, etc. So if you don’t like what you see when you view something in your life, then you should get up and walk around to view it from another perspective. Nothing is completely positive or negative. There’s an old proverb that says something like “blessings don’t come without curses.” I’ve found the opposite to be true, as well. Some of the greatest blessings come from learning to deal with a situation that appears to be a curse. However, if I don’t consider other perspectives to a situation I may never see this.

Once I find the perspective that gives me the most insight (note that this may not be the most comfortable viewpoint), I stop to appreciate the beauty of having the event in my life. And when I see how it all fits together, I can also see that the positives outweigh the negatives in the larger picture.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why Gargoyles Love NYC

 Last week Newton had the time of his life in NYC while we were in town for Book Expo America 2014. Newton fell in love with the city and thought it was a great travel destination for gargoyles on the go. Here’s his list of the top 10 ten things gargoyles love about NYC.

1. Gothic Churches are everywhere.
2. Nice selection of assorted tall buildings for perching.
3. Other gargoyles to visit (The Chrysler building has a friendly group).
4. When there are 300 people waiting in line at the neighborhood’s trendiest restaurant, gargoyles get to cut at the front of the line and walk right in (true story - Newton got us to the head of the line!).
5. Live theater. Gargoyles love the arts and get in free with a human!
6. No one thinks it’s strange to see a woman walking down the street carrying a gargoyle.
7. New York Pizza.
8. Going to Serendipity3 and getting chocolate sauce in your wings from the full body contact hot fudge sundae eating frenzy.
9. Meeting the original Winnie the Pooh and Friends.
10. The people of NYC are smart enough to know that the average gargoyle is a few hundred years old, but they card them in bars anyway, just to make them feel good.