Recently I’ve come across a number of videos and recordings of authors who have passed away. I’ve enjoyed hearing these authors read their works or catching a glimpse of their personalities through their speaking patterns. What’s often interesting for me is how sometimes the sound of an author’s voice or their speech patterns don’t match what I had imagined.
It’s been fun to get to know some of these authors through video or audio clips.
Here are a few that I like:
Virginia Woolf
Ernest Hemingway
David Foster Wallace
Roald Dahl
And here's an audio recording of Sylvia Plath reading her poem Tulips.
Try doing a YouTube or Internet search for some of your favorite authors
and see if you can find any recordings. But don’t forget - the written
word has been around for thousands of years, while sound recordings are
just over 100 years old. So you won’t find recordings of authors who
weren’t alive during the past 120 years. Enjoy discovering new ways to connect with some of your favorite authors!